My Interests Terragening
What a strange thing could it be?
In May 2003, I bought an magazine about informatics with which there was a CD-ROM. As usually, there were some softwares on the CD. One of them is called Terragen. I installed it, tried it and loved it. Terragening simply means working with Terragen.
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What is Terragen used for?
Terragen is a 3D program for creating photo-realistic images, practically starting from scratch. I mean you dont start from photographs or drawings but from a heightmap you can draw yourself or import from somewhere else. You give the program some information about the position of the camera, the color of the sky and the clouds, the height of the water, the nature and the color of what covers the land, etc. and the program renders a picture of a landscape which looks as realist as a color photograph.
Furthermore its always possible to post-process the Terragen images in some 2D image software, either for simply enhancing a bit their colors and contrast or else for dramatically modifying the entire mood of the picture.
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Where can you see the results of my Terragening?
In my Terragen Gallery.
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Where can one find some more information about Terragen?
It's very easy. Simply click here.
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What about post-processing a Terragen rendering?
You can find a lot of tutorials and useful information in the TerraSource webpage. Esteban Glas and me, in close collaboration, have written an interesting tutorial about Colour correction and other adjustments of Terragen renderings, which is full of tips and tricks that can be useful too for enhancing any other kind of image, e.g. your colour or B&W photographs. You can find an Ashtonishingly easy way for enhancing the contrast of an image in another very small tutorial, which is a short complement I wrote to the preceding one.
Ive written a
small English-French / French-English glossary of the main Photoshop terms of these tutorials, because their translation is sometimes difficult. You can download it
here (.zip file 30 KB).

Stormy Weather: A tutorial Ive written
Ive written a Stormy Weather Tutorial describing how Ive made the Terragen Image Stormy Weather which was selected, in July 2004, for the first Terragen Calendar 2005, section Autumn (see the Terragen Calendar Project 2004). You can download it
here (.zip file 695 KB).
The world file of this image can be downloaded
here (9 KB).

Les francophones pourrons
télécharger la version française du tutoriel Stormy Weather, dans lequel jexplique comment jai réalisé limage Stormy Weather qui a été choisie en juillet 2004 pour le premier calendrier Terragen section automne (voir Terragen Calendar Project 2004).
On peut le télécharger en cliquant
ici (fichier .zip de 643 Ko).
Le fichier world de cette image peut être téléchargé
ici (9 Ko).
On peut télécharger la traduction française des tutoriels réalisés en collaboration avec Esteban Glas, intitulée « Correction des couleurs (et autres réglages) des images Terragen » en cliquant
ici (fichier .zip de 1.125 Ko).
Jai également réalisé un petit lexique anglais-français / français-anglais des principaux termes Photoshop figurant dans ces tutoriels et qui peuvent parfois poser problème. On peut le télécharger
ici (fichier .zip de 30 Ko.)
Bonne lecture !
Page updated July 30th 2004 |
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